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Dear Author, 

we are very pleased to recieve an article from you for our journal 

To simplify the process of publishing in kuckuck we collected here some informations

  • For further informations on the journal kuckuck. notizen zur alltagskultur please see our homepage (soon also in english): 

  • Your article should not have more than 25.000 signs (with remarks and bibliography). Please use a common version of quoting and formate all remarks as final scores. 

  • Please write your article in genderneutral language 

  • Please note that you are also welcome to participate in our journal in other formates than theusual article‘, like essays, or poetical texts for example 

  • Please send your article via E-Mail as word-document to or to your contact person 

  • Besides your article we need a short description of you: not more than 450 signs, about your work, work/study place and research interests. 

  • Please forward us also your postal adress, because you will get three deposit copies of the volume you are publishing in. Unfortunately we cannot offer a further fee than these deposit copies 

  • Editorial deadline for the first volume in the year (like 1/2010) is always the 31st of January, for the second volume (like 2/2010) it is the 31st of July 

  • We will only publish original articles or articles which are published for the first time in german or english 

Finally we would like to inform you that the whole editorial board of the kuckuck decides about the publishment of all contributions of every volume of the journal 

The Editorial-Team